Thursday, April 9, 2009


We just moved to a new home. Everything is still in boxes and bags. I have no idea what's in those boxes or bags and where C found that flag! Moving can be a bit hectic and confusing for young children. No matter how much you try to prepare them and make it as smooth a transition as possible, there will be changes. Luckily, we only moved a few blocks least for now. The big move out west comes in 5 months after the new arrival.

It's almost ironic that Sarah (the childrens librarian at the Pretlow Library) handed me a stack of new books that just arrived today and I picked out Bandit. Turns out, this is a picture book all about moving to a new home.
The first page spread (image on the right) is hilarious. Bandit is a character of a cat who reminds me of Archie Bunker!
I knew my son would love this one, especially with the comic book style bubbles, plus little C is really into cats right now.........and I was right, they ate it up at bedtime.

Karen Rostoker-Gruber is the author and its brilliantly illustrated pop art style is the work of artist Vincent Nguyen.

It's a fun read for any child facing the transitions of moving to a new home.


  1. Cute photo! That book looks funny- glad you made the first transition. Moving is a lot of work and can be so emotional.

  2. My son really loves those comic book style bubbles, too.

  3. Thanks! It is a fun read and I'm glad for our sons that there are more comic-book style kidlit books emerging lately.
    Happy Spring Break!

  4. I hate packing and unpacking. Moving is a pain. But the new house looks nice. How far out west are you moving?

  5. Hi Sherrie,
    After 15 years on the east coast I'm moving back to California! It will be easier for Nancy and I to work together and nice to be with family again.........especially after the new baby is born. Lots of changes going on here.
    Hey, we'll practically be neighbors :)


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